Cut the Rope Android Best Apps
Cut the Rope Android Best Applications
Cut the Rope is a simple, yet incredibly well designed best app for the iPhone and Android. The application was recently released on the Android Market and has met with the same amazing success that it found on the Apple App Store. Cut the Rope is a BAFTA winner and has quickly become one of the most beloved applications by people of all ages.
Cut the Rope for Android
In Cut the Rope, your mission is simple, feed a hungry green creature that is lovable in his gluttony. The green creature that you must feed is named Om Nom. Using various methods afforded by the game design, you send candy to Om Nom at the end of a string. Keeping a little distance from this ravenously hungry creature might be a good thing or you might end up losing a finger. The game is setup with a tap and swipe interface. As you interact with the environment, in blowing up bubbles and cutting strings, you will soon find your own methods and being to advance through the levels.
Android Market
ZeptoLabs has made a very fun application and deserve the accolades that they are receiving for Cut the Rope. There are free versions of the game available, but the paid version is only a dollar and gets rid of those pesky ads. Try this best app on your Android or iOS smartphone today.
Category: Android Apps, Games