Important Possessions Are Protected With iLock App For BlackBerry

| December 10, 2010 | 0 Comments

In this day and age of the ultimate social networking experience, it seems that concerns like privacy and protection have really gone out the window. There is nothing wrong with you if you still want those things however and developers for smart phone devices are starting to understand that too. An app like iLock app for BlackBerry is relatively simple, yet provides a very important service to the people that use it.

Password protection is the service

The idea of password protection is really something that is just about as old as the internet itself. Password protection has long formed the basis of the protections that people have given themselves on the internet, allowing everything to have at least a basic level of security to it that needs to be penetrated in order for people to get things going. If password protection is not there for certain things, those things are almost by definition vulnerable and iLock BlackBerry app exists to help you add this basic layer of protection to anything that you want.

Versatility is the main strength

What makes iLock app for BlackBerry a good mobile application to have aside from the fact that it provides a very basic and a much needed service is the fact that you can use this BlackBerry app to add password protection to just about anything that you have on your smart phone device. Whether you are interested in protection for your most important apps, the list of contacts that you have or even something as simple as a single, solitary picture, iLock BlackBerry application can help you get that done. By adding password authentication requirements to any single file, you can protect just about everything on your phone that you would not want someone else to get a hold of.

Our Final Score for the iLock App For BlackBerry 8 out of 10

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Category: BlackBerry Apps, Tools

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