MeMail iPhone App Review

| July 13, 2021 | 0 Comments

MeMail for iPhone helps your capture your thoughts and forward them to your mail for future use. It is such an innovative solution that makes your life easier. You can mail yourself notes, to do, reminders, scrap of important messages and more. The contact to be sent will be fixed and you do not have to fish for any mail ID. The app makes idea processing and information collection very simple. Thoughts and ideas are things that come and go in a flash. If you are able to capture them fast, type and send them to your mail ID, you will not miss any valuable information.

Process Thought, Information And Ideas As Quickly As Possible

MeMail for iPhone is a simple and intuitive app that quickly sends email to a preset address. You just have to set the address the first time you use the app. No mails are sent from third party mail, it is all from your own account. The Auto Subject feature will add the first few lines of the message in the subject line. You can also manually type the subject. The subject suffix setting and address setting can be changed as per your requirement. The app supports TextExpander 3.5.4 so you can easily type in messages. With all the standard settings, typing and sending mails is even faster. The app is used solely for sending mails to yourself and may find it invaluable for any other use.

MeMail iPhone App Review

Email yourself fast

MeMail is a super handy tool to send quick notes to yourself. You can use it anytime, even at the middle of the night. It is the best way to remember important points the next day when you reach office. It is a pleasure to send private notes to your mail and have them stored in your inbox. The app costs $1.99 to download from Google Play Store. The app requires iOS 12.0 and macOS 11.0 and above. It is compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch and Mac systems.

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