Meme Generator Android App Review
Meme Generator app for Android is probably the most enthusiastically used Meme creation tool around. This is, for the most part, due to the easy Meme captioning process, but the fact that Memes are so well categorized and displayed also play a part. What’s more is, the users can vote up and down on created Memes, giving Meme Generator a social dimension. It is available for download on Android from Google Play for $2.51.
Meme Generator Android app makes it very easy to create and then swiftly post image macros to the internet. It comes bundled with a bunch of blank templates that are currently popular, including Advice Dog, Annoying Facebook Girl and the Game of Thrones favourite ‘Winter is Coming’. Meme Generator user interface is so plain that firstly it wasn’t sure it had loaded completely. On the left is an image window; on the right, controls for choosing Font, Color, and Size, a Caption field with “Insert” and “Remove” buttons, and a large “Publish” button. Users can click “File/Open Image,” browse to a photo, and enter a basic caption. Free Meme Creator’s default font is 50-point Arial in white with black outline, which shows up well on color and black & white images. We pressed “Insert New Caption.” Free Meme Creator placed the caption in the upper-left corner of the image, but we could drag it anywhere or click “Remove Selected” and start over. When our meme was ready to share with the world, we pressed “Publish,” named our meme, and saved it as a JPEG. The “Publish” button doesn’t actually publish or share your memes online. You can also save them out locally to email or share using other services.
Meme Generator app for Android enables any first-timer to bring together a masterpiece of online wit. No Photoshop skills are required. In fact, there’s no image editing required at all. You pick an image, type in a headline and strap and then share your creation via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Reddit.
Meme Generator app for Android needs a better way to steer the memes. It should offer ways to delete native crap memes. It would be nice if it could add options to be capable of making two photos memes. It isn’t taking more and more MB’s every time. Though the program comes with a slew of the most popular pictures, you can use your own too. Custom templates can be saved so that you can lazily hack together image macros from any photo. It’s fun and fast.
Category: Android Apps