MileBug App for iPhone Review

| May 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

Fuel prices are on an upward spiral of late, and it is only natural that the average person who regularly gets behind the wheel is keeping a close tab on his fuel expenses every week. MileBug – Mileage Log & Expense Tracker for iPhone is a utility that’ll help you track your mileage and expenses on the road. The GPS tracking is pretty accurate, and it takes a lot of guesswork out of the equation. You can get MileBug App for $2.99 from iTunes App Store.


MileBug – Mileage Log & Expense Tracker app for iPhone would come handy if you need to track your mileage for reimbursement or tax reasons. It would also be useful to keep tab of your fuel expenses. The app has lots of features such as the ability to email HTML and Excel-friendly (CSV) reports to your supervisor, which you might not find in other mileage tracker apps. Further, you can type in frequent destinations for easy use later on. This comes handy to drivers who travel the same route often. You can see your path on the Map View with a pin dropped approximately every 1/10 mile. Edit the trip by dragging pins.

MileBug App for iPhone

Of course, everything is backed up as soon as you email it. A local copy is saved as back up and is available through iTunes file sharing. So if you happen to lose your phone, you can have the data restored in the new phone you purchase as replacement. The UI of MileBug for iPhone is clean and easy to navigate. There is nothing confusing in the way the app is set up. Based on your preferences, you can choose the units between km and miles from settings. Performance wise, the app is stable, robust and responsive. MileBug app is compatible with iOS versions 4.3 or later.

Final Thoughts

MileBug – Mileage Log & Expense Tracker app for iPhone makes it super easy to track your mileage expenses precisely. It uses GPS to accurately track your journey miles so that all other calculations fall in place precisely. The app is IRS compliant. If tax savings are your main motive, this one gives pretty accurate results. Data backup option comes handy in case you lose your iPhone somewhere. The UI is uncluttered and easy to use. To sum it up, MileBug for iPhone is a useful application to have if you need to track your mileage for reimbursement or tax benefits.

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Category: Finance, iPhone Apps

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