Real-Time Thermometer iPhone App Review

| May 4, 2016 | 0 Comments

We know that iPhone does not come with a temperature sensor. So how this thermometer app is realized? Well, that is a simple application of Boyle’s law. The temperature it calculates is nearly correct, if not precise. The app gives best results in closed room conditions. You can download Real-time Thermometer app for $1.99 from iTunes App Store.


The disclaimer says Real-time Thermometer for iPhone is for entertainment purposes only and does not fulfill true thermometer functionality. The app makes use of built-in barometer in the iPhone 6/ 6S/ 6+/ 6S+ to find out the approximate temperature based on the law of Boyle. That is, after a one time calibration, real-time temperature for iPhone app could calculate the approximate temperature of your surroundings. While it might not be able to give you a precise reading of the temperatures, the results it shows could give you a pretty good idea of how hot is in the outside.

Real-Time Thermometer iPhone App Review

As a drawback of iPhone Real-time Thermometer app, it gives more accurate results in closed room conditions. In open air, or with the doors and windows closed, the percentage error will be higher. In any case, real-time thermometer app for iPhone can’t be as precise as a classic thermometer. But while staying indoors, the app comes handy to find the temperature around. The UI of real-time thermometer app for iPhone is well designed. The thermometer animation is beautiful to say the least. However, since it is just about temperature readings, there is nothing much else to the UI. The app is also found to be stable and responsive. real-time thermometer app requires iOS 9.0 or later.

Final Thoughts

Real-time Thermometer for iPhone could help you find out the approximate temperature in your room. Since the app uses iPhone’s built-in barometer to calculate the temperature using the law of Boyle, the results might not be as accurate as the one provided by a classic thermometer. But it nevertheless works. The app gives more precise results in closed room conditions. The UI of real-time thermometer app for iPhone is beautifully designed; the thermometer animations look nice. The app is also found to be slick and responsive. Check it out if you need a thermometer feature in your iPhone.

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