Tag: blackberry social & dating

The Flickr App for the BlackBerry

The Flickr App for the BlackBerry

| June 22, 2009 | 0 Comments

The Flickr App for the BlackBerry Summary Flickr is a popular photo sharing website that has really come into its own in the last few months. With brand recognition and a newly developed mission to reach out to as many different platforms as possible, Flickr has started to really gain popularity in the world of […]

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Qik Mobile BlackBerry App

Qik Mobile BlackBerry App

| June 22, 2009 | 0 Comments

Name: Qik Mobile BlackBerry App Summary: Qik Mobile app is a sharing tool application that allows for free video streaming from your BlackBerry smart phone to the Internet. This application is enriched with various features that you can use in streaming videos online. Text chatting is also possible with this application wherein you can notify people on […]

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Facebook for BlackBerry

Facebook for BlackBerry

| June 20, 2009 | 0 Comments

Name: Facebook for BlackBerry Summary: The popularity of Facebook today can never be measured. With this online utility, people are able to share online applications, messages, and pictures with their friends and family. Therefore, bringing this online utility with you wherever you are and whenever you need it is now possible with your BlackBerry smart […]

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