Wapedia App for Android Review

| January 11, 2010 | 0 Comments

Despite the fact that a majority of Wikipedia contents can be edited or changed by pretty much anyone, the online encyclopedia portal is still one of the most visited websites in the cyberspace today. However, for Android users, it was not a pleasant experience to view Wikipedia in crammed space of their mobile browsers. The readability was affected severely. The intro of Wapedia app for Android is aimed at solving this dilemma to a good extent.


Wapedia does not bog down the Android handset through heavy graphics or page contents. “Categories, Did You Know, In the News, Featured Content, Random Articles and Popular Pages”, these choices are all present among the main screen options, which t can make searching so much easier for the users. For a more traditional search, a search bar features at the top of the screen. Users need only to type in the search keywords, and the app returns the relevant results from Wikipedia database.

As mentioned, since Wapedia is designed exclusively for the Android environment, the app renders the pictures as it appears in the original Wikipedia website, but optimized for the Android browser being used, with the search bar at the top of every page rendered so that the users can continue with the search, if they wish so.

Wapedia Android app also shows the articles section, the same section in Wikipedia that displays random info from a variety of fields. The articles are pulled up in the same manner as in search results, and are easy to navigate and fun to read all the time.

Last, but not the least, the app offers an “auto completion” of titles option, which makes search a lot quicker, and easier for the users to perform. The app seems to work very well even in EDGE connectivity, not to mention its performance under 3G connectivity, which is nothing but instantaneous.


Wapedia mobile application has done real good work in bringing the utility of Wikipedia portal into the Android environment. Wapedia app does not strain the Android resources while it works, even though it offers pretty much everything that the Wikipedia website represents in the web. The learning curve is flat that even a novice could use Wapedia sans any external help. Overall, Wapedia an excellent app to have in your Android gadget; Also, it is free of cost!

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Category: Android Apps, Tools

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