Tag: best android apps

Tablet Talk App for Android Review
Texting in mobile phones is not so comfortable often, thanks to the limited screen size and hence smaller keypads. But it will be lot easier if you could text using tablets. Now here is an app, Tablet Talk, that let you type and send text messages right from your tablets. You can get Tablet Talk […]

Image Shrink App for Android Review
Most smart phones these days have good cameras that let to snap quality, high resolution pictures with ease. But when it comes to sharing it with others via EDGE or GPRS (or even 3G at times), or SNS such as Facebook, it fails to upload quickly, thanks to its file size. Image Shrink app for […]

Wapedia App for Android Review
Despite the fact that a majority of Wikipedia contents can be edited or changed by pretty much anyone, the online encyclopedia portal is still one of the most visited websites in the cyberspace today. However, for Android users, it was not a pleasant experience to view Wikipedia in crammed space of their mobile browsers. The […]

Tub Thumper App for Android Review
Some people dream about being the lead singer or guitarist and others think about being the bassist. If you’re like me though, you grew up wanting to be the drummer. The guy in the background may not be the one getting the most attention, but they usually have such a cool vibe around them that […]

Time Card Pro App for Android
More and more people are starting to become very interested in the hours they put in for their employer. With the advent of mobile technology, there are many people out there that now have the ability to keep track of those hours on their cellular phone. If you’d like to join these people, the Time […]

Save Time and Money with Opera Mini App for Android
These days, data sharing agreements with Smartphone technology are usually reasonably priced. That being said, you can end up incurring ridiculous amounts of money for data transmission if you go overboard on the transmitted data. For that reason, anything that can help you cut down on the amount of data transmitted will not only save […]

Express News Android App Review
Express News Android App Review There’s nothing better than finding out what’s going on in your community … your city or state … your country … or anywhere around the world – when you want the information. And now, you can get it with Express News. This is an outstanding application, available through Android that […]