Where’s My Phone BlackBerry App Review
If you have the habit of forgetting things, perhaps you should try out this app in your Blackberry. As its name suggests, Where’s My Phone helps you to locate and recover your lost Blackberry without anyone knowing about the same. For example, if it is somewhere nearby, you could find it out by triggering an alarm, or alternatively, you could have your device its GPS location to another phone. It is also possible to make it ring you or show an alert even if the Blackberry has been put in a silent mode.
Features of BlackBerry Where’s My Phone App
With Wheres My Phone app, you could make Blackberry do a lot of things, which might help you to track it down, if you’ve happen to lose it somewhere. Apart from the features mentioned above, the app also lets one check the battery status to see if you need to hurry up before the phone goes dead. And you could do that simply by emailing the app from your own email address.
You, the user, need to set a code word for Wheres My Phone app and give it a number to display on the Blackberry screen. It is also possible to change the phone number displayed on the Blackberry screen. The app responds to code words – such as START to play the alarm, LOCATE to receive the phone’s location, or CALLME to have the BlackBerry phone you at a specific number – send in the email subject line.
Where’s My Phone mobile application replies back with the current battery level, whether the alarm is activated or if someone turns the alarm noise off (which lets the user turn it back on), or if they press the button to phone you (assuming you missed the call). The phone’s current location also arrives by email, with links to both Google and Bing maps to precisely spot the place. Also, users can set up the Where’s My Phone app to clean up the messages automatically.
On the downside, Where’s My Phone app may not work, if the phone is lost in the underground basement of a concrete home, as the GPS may fail to make the contact with the device. Worse, the app will only keep trying for five minutes at a time, to save power. Here, it is assumed that your Blackberry comes with GPS feature. Also, the app is of no use if the Blackberry remains in a holster or if it is closed, like in a flip Blackberry Pearl.
Where’s My Phone is a very handy app to have in your Blackberry phones for you never know when or where you might misplace your smart phones. Where’s My Phone app works well in most circumstances, and feature wise, offers more than one option to pinpoint the location of the lost phone. Given its features and utility quotient, $3.99 per license is certainly a just price tag for the app. We recommend our readers to try out this useful application in their phones.
Category: BlackBerry Apps, Tools