Xpense Tracker iPhone App Review

| July 24, 2009 | 0 Comments

Xpense Tracker App

When you travel for business, it’s a good idea to record all your reimbursable expenses and to do so accurately. That’s because you’re spending your money on behalf of your employer and you’re entitled to get it back – all of it.

Xpense Tracker, now available to users of iPhone Mobile Phones, can help you avoid mistakes that might otherwise be costly to you. It’s easy-to-use and it’s very effective.

App Name: Xpense Tracker is the all-inclusive and cleverly-conceived expense-tracking application designed exclusively for businessmen and women who travel. It enables you to record every expense for which you’re entitled to be reimbursed by your employer.

Clearly, this is one app you need to have and you every time you “hit the road,”  get on an airplane, spend a night or two in a hotel or motel or dine in a restaurant with a client or business associate.

Summary: If you currently use pencil and paper to keep track of your reimbursable business expenses, you already know how easy it is to make mistakes and cost yourself money. That’s why you need Xpense Tracker

Designed and released by Silverware, this business-friendly application includes a variety of features that will help you to become more efficient when you leave the office for business travel. For example: it allows you to record all of your expenses electronically – and permanently – while you keep a running total for each log. You can also use this application to customize categories and payment types, thereby creating a format with which you are most comfortable.

You can file logs into specific groups to help you remain better organized … support multiple currencies so that each expense you incur can be entered in the appropriate currency and amount… track car mileage easily and efficiently … even sort your expenses by date, category or client. Finally, you can even e-mail your expense reports to your office computer in plain text so that it will be waiting for you when you return from the road.

Xpense Tracker User Interaction: lets you accurately and efficiently enter reimbursable expense data, electronically, while you’re on the road for so that you receive back all the money you’ve spent on behalf of your employer.

Xpense Tracker User Interface: an effective and very useful business management tool for anyone who spends money in the performance of his job – on air travel … business entertainment … lodging … more.


Utility and Productivity: it’s like having a personal secretary travel with you to record your expenses and keep accurate records , all designed to protect you and make sure you’re accurately and fairly reimbursed by your employer.

App Rating: (9.5 out of 10). This is an essential app for anyone who travels for business. It can help you create permanent and accurate expenses logs for every cash outlay you pay for on behalf of your employer.

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Category: Business

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