Air Media Center App for iPhone Review

| August 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Air Media Center app for iPhone lets you have your entire digital media collection in the palm of your hands. The app, through a free server application, lets you stream your music, videos, and photos directly to your iPhone/iOS devices. And the overall experience is found to be extremely smooth, and free of any buffering. Air Media Center iPhone app may be downloaded from iTunes App Store for a nominal $1.99.

How Air Media Center App works?

Air Media Center app for iPhone basically facilitates direct access to the movies, personal videos, photos and music stored on your Mac or PC. It automatically transcodes your music, video and photo streams on the fly when necessary, not to mention that the app supports all major file types that you tend to use. There is no requirement for syncing or additional type conversions that are typical of other similar type of apps. In order to enjoy Air Media Center for iPhone (AMC), you will first need to download and install the free server application on your Mac/PC. Air Media Server is available for free in the Mac App Store. PC version may be downloaded from Air Media Center website Once the app is installed, you can test the connection from the internet to see if everything is working just fine, before you actually start streaming your music and videos from your Mac/PC.

Air Media Center App for iPhone

On testing, Air Media Center iPhone app worked seamlessly with WiFi and 3G, few slowdowns notwithstanding. The best part of the app is that it automatically forwards the ports on the router to permit access from the outside (for 3G). However, the said auto-forward of ports work seamlessly only if your IP address remain the same. As it has been observed, most times, the IP provided by your service provider is dynamic. Something like a free dynamic DNS account might be a feasible solution for this technical conundrum. iPhone Air Media Center application is compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 later, Windows 7/Vista/Windows XP/Server 2003/2008 (32/64bit) and iOS versions 5.0 and upwards.


Air Media Center app for iPhone lets you stream your digital media files in your PC to your iPhone. It works smoothly for most parts, saving some hiccups when using 3G. Dynamic IP could also be a spoiler. But that could be managed with a dynamic DNS account. Overall, a handy app to have if you feel lazy at times to walk up to your PC to select the media files that you want to watch/listen.

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