Castle of Illusion Disney Android Game App Review

| January 5, 2016 | 0 Comments

Castle of Illusion game app for Android is a revived version of the hit Sega Genesis game from 1990. Even though Disney’s famous mouse does not really command the same admiration today, back in the 16-bit era he played host to some of the best platforms of the era, and Castle of Illusion is no exception. It is available for download on Android from Google Play for $0.99.


Castle of Illusion Android Game app is on 2.5D platform in that it does hold typically 3D characters along a 2D plane, but there are moments where 3D movement is likely to pop up and are parts of some of the game’s cooler moments – like a poser where players must find out if tiles they are running on are bogus or not by looking into a mirror. So no, it’s not just a sheer paint job on the original game. It’s been reorganized, but it still has enough of that typical zest to it. This is not just in looks many of the original enemies and bosses are still here in some form, but Castle of Illusion game has the trappings of a kind of late 8-bit and early 16-bit platforms. There’s that mood of inflexibility to the way that levels are set and laid out that makes it have just enough of an old-school feel while feeling loose and new.

Castle of Illusion Disney Android Game App Review

As a game that started off as a console and PC title, the flash and polish actually come through. The game looks implausible, runs smoothly, and is incredibly detailed. This is a incredible port job. The controls use a virtual joystick which is, well, a virtual joystick – a bit slack but it does an acceptable job at the happenings. The capability to tap anywhere to jump and to just hit a button to toss shots helps to keep things straightforward and effectual. Still, gamepad prop up would be fantastic. For the most part though, this simple scheme works. You’ll slowly make your way through a range of levels themed around diverse concepts like the forest, candy lagoons, and so on, tackling both challenges of deftness and puzzle platforms. New concepts sneak their way into each stage regularly, but not all concepts are created alike.


Castle of Illusion game for Android isn’t unavoidably tremendously hard, but it does put a bit of confrontation to players where they have to take some care in trying to deal with the levels. Its platform placing can be challenging, and its boss fights necessitate a bit of staying power. Again, it’s that great blend between the old ways of doing things and the new that Castle of Illusion Android game app just enormously nails. The main problem with the design is that it feels a bit uneven in points, with a few stages that suffer from a lack of detail, or an otherwise lazy section that leads to cheap deaths.

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Category: Android Apps, Games

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