Daily Expenses app for iPhone Review

| August 13, 2011 | 0 Comments

As the economy is only slowly recovering from the recent slowdown, it will be wise from your part to be a bit more frugal than usual as far daily/monthly expenses are concerned until things become rosy again. Daily Expenses is one such application that lets you track your expenses from right within your iPhone. This handy budget tracker from ioesoft.com comes at a price tag of $0.99 per license.

The Application

Downloading and installing Daily Expenses iPhone app is a breeze. Given its file size, it won’t take up much space in your phone either. The user interface is well laid out and easy to navigate around. It has default categories such as food, transport etc wherein you can add your expenses as and when it comes. You can also add/delete/edit newer categories if the same is missing in the default list in the application.

Daily Expenses app for iPhone

Further, you can create weekly or monthly report and get it emailed to you automatically. Also, you can have the daily expenses data exported into a spreadsheet via email. Another notable feature of the iPhone Daily Expenses app is the option that lets you view the summary of your expenses with pie chart and %. It provides a clear idea of where your expenses came from, and how close it was to your monthly budget.

Further, you can add photos of item as well as that of the receipt as proof of expense to the concerned category entry. The app even lets you export photo albums. You can also opt to view all the monthly summary reports in one page for easier month to month expenses comparison. If you are globe trotter who deals with multiple currencies, don’t worry; you have 66 types of currency symbols to choose from.

Finally, in terms of look and feel, the app supports multiple color schemes so that you can give your color of choice to the interface. However, it must be kept in mind that the app supports iOS 4.0 or above.


Daily Expenses app for iPhone certainly gives good start for your financial management attempts through iPhone. The app is fast, responsive, and comes with all the minimal features required to keep your budget under leash throughout the month. The option to export data to spreadsheet and the one that generates the pie chart/percentage view of your monthly expenses stands out in terms of sheer utility. Verdict: A handy financial management application for the common man out there.

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Category: Finance, iPhone Apps

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