Fast Contacts App for iPhone Review

| June 12, 2011 | 0 Comments

Fast Contacts app for iPhone is one third-party contact manager application that clearly outstretches Apple’s native contact management software that comes pre-installed with the handset. It offers some easy to use, but powerful features that will appeal to the power users. iPhone Fast Contacts app costs $0.99 per license.


Fast Contacts iPhone application brings home some very useful features that are missing in the native application. For example, the best suit of this app is its filtering abilities. It lets you sort the address book based on various parameters such as names, prefixes and suffixes, events, contacts with photos, companies, cities, and various address fields. Also, there is an advance search feature that sifts through all the available information related to a contact (such as the note field) rather than just the name/basic info that the default iPhone contact management application searches through.

iPhone Fast Contacts App

Further, Fast Contacts can read/write to iPhone’s contacts, and sync with MobileMe, Exchange, and Outlook, again using iPhone’s built-in capabilities. Further, from the app, you can send ‘group emails’ even though it is not possible to create ‘groups’ from within the application. With the app, you can also set and filter alarms to help you easily remember events/things. The count of all the upcoming events will be displayed on the application icon badge. The most noteworthy feature of Fast Contacts iPhone app is its ability to display contacts in a cover-flow style. Using this feature, you can just flip through the contact photos like you flip through a music album in iPod. The app also lets you choose the color theme from the multiple pre-sets available. Downloading and installing the app is a quick process. Also, the app is robust and easy to use.


The features of Fast Contacts app for iPhone cannot be called revolutionary, and it may not be the best in the league either. But it brings to the table some handy capabilities that add value to iPhone’s contact-management scenario. Certainly, the app’s filtering abilities stand out so are its unique cover-flow style of displaying contacts. It also comes with a utility alarm/reminder. Fast Contacts app is also compatible with selected utility apps in the iPhone. And above all, it is priced reasonably at $0.99. Verdict: An excellent contact-management application to have in your iPhone, if you want something more than iPhone’s inbuilt contact management software.

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Category: Business, iPhone Apps

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