iPhone iClipboard App Review

| June 16, 2009 | 0 Comments

Name: iClipboard


iClipboard is one of the most anticipated applications in the forthcoming version 3.0 software update in iPhone OS. It is developed by the Chronos L.C. It has the capability of cut and paste function that users can use easily and frequently if they want to cut and paste any information from the Web. iClipboard is truly worth the investment that works pretty much as how it is advertised from the App Store.

User Interaction:

iClipboard application in iPhone is a app clipboard and manager that allows users to store everything they copy of the standard clipboard. Compared to other third party clipboard apps or managers that offer the same functions when it comes to clipping storage capability, iClipboard remains on top since it provides incredible ways to use, edit, organize, and access the clippings.

The installation of iClipboard application can be a preference pane for the users since it can run and same time in the app background and also same time monitor all copy and paste actions of the users regardless of the current application being used. Every time the users copy one item, the application grabs the clipboard data of Mac and had it stored in the database. This process makes the standard and clipboard functioning as it always does. In addition, users do not have to relearn any of the apps shortcut keys of the application that are essential for the basic of use.

User Interface:

The user interface of iClipboard application is based on around the slide out window that is called clipping shelf. This clipping shelf lies on of the app side of the screen display in iPhone and only has a tiny tab visible. Once the tab is clicked, it will then reveals a new window that opens that will hold all the clippings that the application had saved for the users. The clippings can be drag and also drop by the users back and forth from the clipping shelf. In dragging and dropping, users can either assign some hot keys or you can use the Clipboard menu for these. The menu usually appears whenever the apps mouse and pointer is over the clipping to do the copy and paste functions.

Due to unlimited clipping storage feature of the iClipboard application, Chronos L.C. has to be vital or else chaos would eventually occur. To avoid this kind of dilemma, iClipboard has the capability of allowing users to organize their clippings accordingly to projects. In one project, several clippings can be assigned by the users. Another helpful tool in organizing the clippings is by providing a name in every clipping. In every assigned name of the clipping, users can then paste it in a app with the same reference name. This can be useful if necessary, however some iPhone applications do not allow this kind of capability.

Utility and Productivity:

Since iClipboard application had been expanding on the standard clipboard function that Apple provides, is still had turned into a way of using, organizing, and storing unlimited number of clippings for iPhone users. The clippings can be something of any type of content such as plain text, rich multimedia and countless others.

Here are some pro reactions from iClipboard users:

  • The application allows preview of clippings that include images, audio, and movies.
  • It can organize clippings accordingly by projects.
  • It can store clippings on a clipping shelf.
  • It can edit clippings directly from the clipping shelf.
  • iclipboard-app

Here are some con reactions from iClipboard users:

  • The application requires OS X 10.5 or later.
  • It has a cumbersome clipping assignment system.
  • It has some applications that do not support all features of iClipboard.


(9.0 out of 10.0) iClipboard application is both compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch. This application is a workaround most of the time and it functions on how it is advertised. However, its functions are very impressive that enable users to save multiple clippings and edit them with any current version of the application.


Category: iPhone Apps, Tools

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