App on your Apple iPhone

| September 18, 2009 | 0 Comments App for your Apple iPhone


Summary has become one of the most important financial websites of the day because of what it has the ability to do. All you need to do is use to enter your banking and investment information and you can log into your account in order to get an instantaneous breakdown of everything that is available to you in terms of your financial situation. This is a great application but it has not been particularly good as a mobile website until the introduction of the app for the Apple iPhone. With this iPhone app in place, you can do all of your interaction right on your Apple iPhone whenever you want.


User Interaction


Interacting with the for iPhone app is very easy to do. Essentially, you need to give it information about your cash, your credit cards and your investments. At the end, it is not uncommon to have information showing about your checking and savings accounts as well as information about your current credit card balances as well as any investments that you currently have. You need to give all of that information and then simply sync it up with the iPhone app in order to get an up to date snapshot of your financial situation no matter where you actually are.


User Interface



Using applications for the iPhone is easy, but interpreting the results is even easier. The interface is simply a number of tables that will show you a description of the financial account in question and then a balance that is on that account. It defaults to green being positive balances and black being negative ones, although there is also a minus sign in front of negative balances so that there is no confusion whatsoever on what is actually going on with your financial situation.


Utility and Productivity


This iPhone app is absolutely one of the most useful around. For starters, once you have actually entered all of your information into the various screens, you can actually get information about your overall financial situation. In other words, the software will add together the value of your accounts, your credit cards and your investments in order to compute your total net worth. That is certainly a valuable figure to have and the ability to refer to it whenever you want is absolutely startling.


At the same time however, having all of the constituent balances at your fingertips is great as well. Do you want to know whether you should keep that money in your checking account or transfer it to your savings account?  Well, take a look at both balances on your iPhone before you decide!  The same thing goes with paying credit card bills and adding to your investments, all of which are important facets of modern life.




We absolutely love this for iPhone app because of how applicable it is to modern life. For that reason and because of the absolute smoothly running machine that this iPhone app represents, we will give it a rating of 9.5 out of 10.

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Category: Finance, iPhone Apps

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