Money Manager Android App Review

| February 11, 2021 | 0 Comments

Money Manager for Android is a perfect asset manager which helps you manage your personal assets. It is not an easy task to manage your personal assets especially those who have amassed personal wealth. Many of us depend on a financial manager and end up paying hefty amount to them. You will have to monitor and control their activities as well. The app is perfect as you will have all the details in your fingertips and carry it wherever you go.

Manage Your Personal Wealth In The Most Efficient Way

Money Manager is a simple and intuitive app that safeguards and manages your personal wealth. It facilitates seamless wealth management by recording in flow and out flow of money, deposits credits in your account and also draws money from account. You can manage your budget using the charts and graphs where you can quickly see expenses against your budget. The app manages your debit card and credit card entry by entering a payment date. You can view the outstanding amount and payment amount. Automatic debit can be arranged by connecting your debit card to the bank account. Create passcode so you can safely manage all your account. You can transfer debit between accounts, manage recurring expenses and credits like salary, insurance, loan, term deposits and others. You get instant statistics of all your account.

Money Manager Android App Review


Money Manager for Android is one of the best asset and budget manager that will help you save your personal wealth. The feature rich app is regularly updated to provide improved experience and hassle free management. The app supports dark theme and white theme. It has added new amount search feature, category and accounts filter in the search function. You can take back up of files to excel files or Google drive. The calculator and sub category On Off function will make life easy. The app costs $4.99 to download from Google Play Store.

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Category: Android Apps

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