My Library App for iPhone Review

| April 13, 2012 | 1 Comment

My Library app for iPhone lets you have all the info about your personal media collection at your fingertips. You can add newer ones using the built-in scanner or by entering the ISBN, EAN, or UPC manually. The remaining information will be loaded from the internet. My Library iPhone app comes at a price tag of $3.99 per license.

How My Library iPhone App Works?

iPhone My Library app displays your books, CDs, and movies, organized by title, under separate tabs. If you load data about a particular title from the internet, its cover image is also loaded alongside. In case, an image is unavailable, you can add your own by snapping one using your iPhone camera. Using the app, you can search titles and enter a ‘loan status’ to remember to whom you’ve loaned a particular title or borrowed it from. You can also view how much a book/CD costs or from where you can purchase one, or make notes about what you thought of a particular movie or book.

My Library App for iPhone

The developer sets the number of titles that can be loaded to 8000; but if you have enough storage space for it, more titles may be accommodated. You can also backup/restore and view/sort your entire collection from your desktop with the integrated web server. My Library iPhone application also lets you backup and restore your library to the online backup server. You can even backup to your Dropbox account. It is also possible to import data via CSV file or saved backup, or email your database backup files to a destination of your choice.

The user interface looks a tad complex, especially when you use it first. However, as you start using it regularly, you’ll get used to it nuances. For a complete user experience, turn your iPhone to landscape, and browse your collection in shelf format.

Final Thoughts

My Library app for iPhone virtually lets you catalogue your home collection and then carry it in your pocket. Further, using the app, you search, track, and rate the items in your collection with ease. A must have if you are an entertainment buff, who is finding it tough to catalogue and organize the items in your collection. Visit iTunes for more information on My Library app for iPhone.

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Category: iPhone Apps, Lifestyle

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  1. bickler says:

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