Nag App for iPhone Review

| February 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Are you a type of person who always struggles to meet the deadlines for the various tasks that you’ve set for yourself every day? If it is so, working in short focused burst might turn the tables for you, and the Nag app for iPhone from ElectricPocket might be just the right tool for that job. iPhone Nag alarm app can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store for a modest $0.99.

How Nag App Works?

Nag alarm provides multiple customizable alarms in an easy to use package. Here is how the app is used: you set multiple tasks, and set an alarm to go with it. For example, if you want to take the laundry out of your dryer after 30 minutes, you set a timer for the said time duration with a reminder attached to it.

In Nag app for iPhone, you can set time periods for 5 mins, 10 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins or an hour. Also there is an ‘up to the next hour’ option (button at the top left), wherein the timer will go off at the top of the said hour. Once you set the time period, simply add a note to it as to what the particular timer is meant for. So, if your intended job is to pull out the laundry, type in ‘take out the laundry’ in the note.

Nag App for iPhone

Further, by pressing the ‘-‘button at the bottom, you can decrement a minute each from the timer.

Now, if you exit the timer to do other things in the phone, the app will give a pop-up notification when the set time is up. Remember, the Nag application will continue to nag you until you tap ‘stop’ on the pop up window. When a timer(s) is set and running, the same will be displayed as a badge on top of the app icon. The menu is easy to comprehend and use. But there is no indication whatsoever as to when the timer starts its countdown; the app starts the countdown as soon as you set the alarm. Some form of notification would have been better, at least for a first time user. You can have different alarms, even though at the moment, only three sounds are available.

Final Thoughts

Nag alarm app for iPhone stands out for its simplicity, as well as its utility. Setting a timer in the app is a breeze. You can manage the same within couple of taps. The pop up might be nagging. But that is the way Nag iPhone app works. Verdict: A handy timer-productivity app to have in your iPhone.

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