Oanda Blackberry App Review

| August 30, 2009 | 0 Comments
Review of the Blackberry Oanda App Review
If you’ve ever struggled trying to figure out the conversion rate of one currency to another currency when you were traveling abroad, take heart. Your troubles are finally over. Now, because you are an owner and user of the Blackberry Smart Phone, you can enjoy unlimited and always-available access to an app you can download to your Smart Phone that will help you figure out currency conversion rates almost instantly.
It’s called Oanda.com app and one of the best apps for currencie. You can use it to figure out the conversion rates of an amazing 164 different currencies … just about anywhere you may travel globally.
App Name: Oanda.com is a currency converter app that is designed to help you turn a yen into a Swiss franc … a pound into a Euro – quickly, easily and accurately so that you can enjoy your time abroad more and avoid the risk of making mistakes with unfamiliar currencies.
Summary: this extremely useful app will make it remarkably easy for you to quickly and accurately convert up to 164 different currencies around the world. It will be a huge help to you when you’re traveling abroad, help you avoid embarrassing mistakes and, more importantly, keep you from overpaying for purchases because you didn’t understand the exchange rate.
This app has several very good features. For example: it’ so easy-to-use that you need simply indicate the currency – and amount – you want to convert from and the currency you want to convert to in your Smart Phone. The application will immediately do the math for you – no mistakes, guaranteed – so that you will receive an accurate and money-saving response.
You can also use Oanda.com to create a “cheat sheet” that you can download and print and carry with you when you travel. The “cheat sheet” will tell you at-a-glance what the cost of a purchase should be in your own currency. This will help you to avoid being cheated when you have to pay for a purchase in a foreign currency.
Want more? The application also provides you with daily exchange rates for all 164 currencies it covers. This is important information20because rates do change daily.
User Interaction: gives you accurate and easily-accessed information on 164 currencies and their ever-changing conversion rates. That should be a huge help to you when you’re traveling abroad.
User Interface: this is a “must-have” app for anyone who is planning to travel outside his country. It will help you understand the true value of foreign currencies and avoid costly mistakes when paying for purchases.
Utility and Productivity: this is your opportunity to travel abroad with total confidence, secure in the knowledge that you will not make foolish mistakes when dealing with a foreign currency … mistakes that could otherwise prove costly. And this app is easy-to-use-and-understand. You’ll appreciate it and use it frequently.
Rating: (9.0 out of 10). If you’re planning to travel abroad, you need this very useful and practical application. It will help you get maximum mileag e out of your currency when you convert it to the currency of the country you visit.

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Category: BlackBerry Apps, Finance

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