Telepaint iPhone Puzzle Game App Review

| June 26, 2016 | 0 Comments

Telepaint for iPhone is a fun puzzle game involving buckets of paint and the colorful messes it left behind. In this touchscreen puzzle game, the player activates portals in order to carry walking buckets of paint through numerous, increasingly-complex levels. You can download Telepaint for $2.99 from iTunes App Store.


Telepaint game for iPhone has a combination of retro, pixilated graphics that is a throwback to the television screens of yore. Interestingly, the game also makes use of traditional RGB colors and static that was typical in old TV screens. The animations are silk and smooth. The upbeat and quirky chiptune soundtrack is a joy to listen to, especially when you’re indulged in some rhythmic puzzle solving in the app. Telepaint has six different worlds, each with its own series of levels. At present, there are about 100 stages to paint your way through. That gives a good value to the buck you spend on the app. Several of the levels are unlocked at a time so that you don’t have to strictly follow a linear path. However, at later stages, you got to solve the current level to move forward. The objective in each stage is to get the paint bucket reach the paint brush. While things start out as relatively easy, the complexity of the game increases soon, leading to some tricky and messy situations. For example, you got to avoid dangers such as spikes and explosives, while grabbing keys to unlock access to the paintbrush, make use of anti-gravity switches to get around obstacles, and more.

Telepaint iPhone Puzzle Game App Review

The controls are easy. But you’ll take few tries to get used to them. When a level starts, your paint character will start walking forward. But the only way it changes direction or walks back is when it encounters a wall. So, you got to figure out ways to achieve that. Further, to get the bucket across obstacles such as spikes, you got to use colored portals that is scattered on the levels. A tap on a portal square activates it. But make sure that you open up another portal to go through the other side as well. It should be noted that the moment you tap on a third portal, the first one will close. That is, you can only have two portals open at a time. The trick hence is to decide the obstacles on the stage first, and then figure out the order of portals for you to go through in order to reach the paintbrush safely. As the bucket passes through a portal, it leaves behind a splash of colors, which makes it look messy and funny in the end.


Telepaint iPhone game app is fun and entertaining for sure. You also need a bit of strategizing to win the levels. The graphics is decent. The quirky, fresh music and rhythmic sound effects that sync up to your every action makes the game play exciting. Since it got plenty of levels, you will never run out of games anytime soon. Check it out if you love portal-based puzzle games in general.

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