Worldictionary App for iPhone Review

| March 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

With Worldictionary app for iPhone at your disposal, looking up a word in dictionary all of a sudden becomes child’s play. The app uses iPhone’s own camera to capture the words/text you wish to know about, before translating or defining the same to you. Worldictionary iPhone app comes at a relatively hefty price tag of $7.99.

How Worldictionary app Works?

Worldictionary app ensures that words and meanings are always at your finger tips, as long as you have your iPhone with you. As a user, you simply need to click a picture of the word you wish to know using iPhone’s camera, and the app will automatically find the meaning of the said word. It works with TV screens, paper on the desk, websites, newspaper or simply anything on which something could be written. So, if you have downloaded the app by now, try ‘hydroxygenated’ to start with.

Worldictionary App for iPhone

Worldictionary iPhone app also acts as a reliable translator. The app makes use of Google’s translate functionality to find its English equivalent. As of today, the app translates text in the following languages: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and of course English. Worldictionary app is not without its shortcomings. Unfortunately, a part of it has to do with the device’s camera. Sometimes, if the focus does not come right, it affects the accuracy of the app. But then, you can’t blame Worldictionary app entirely for such shortcomings. It falls on iPhone’s camera. Another shortcoming is that one can’t type in the words they would like to find out.

Final Thoughts

Worldictionary app for iPhone is not the perfect application in reference category of iPhone apps. But it definitely has its moments. If you manage to get the image right, the app gives near perfect answers, with further options to know more about the word/text through Wikipedia or YouTube videos. Inability to key in words is certainly limits the scope of its functionality. But overall, Worldictionary performs above par. However, price of the app is a downer. Verdict: You can consider downloading Worldictionary as an alternative to WorldCard app.

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