Batman – The Telltale Series Game for iPhone Review

| September 29, 2016 | 0 Comments

If you’re a fan of Batman and like the episodic point-and-click graphic adventures from Telltale, you should check out Batman – The Telltale Series for iPhone. It is fun and interesting that you’ll soon discover the child in you. The game can be downloaded for $4.99 from iTunes App Store.


The visuals in Batman – The Telltale Series iPhone game are decent, even though it is not at par with the PC and console versions of the game. Users have complained about skipped frame rates while playing the game in iPhone. Hopefully, such small glitches will be fixed by the developers sooner than later. The game experience is like watching a movie. The colors are dark, while the bright glowing hues from your Bat-tech contrasting nicely. Dynamic lighting to the textures of costumes looks good. The atmospheric soundtrack is fun to listen to. The sound effects are also effective. The voice acting part is also well done.


As it is an episodic game, you’ll watch many scenes unfold as you play. You can consider it as an interactive movie where you are in charge of what happens at the end of the story. You got to make lots of decisions. You’re Bruce Wayne (not Batman) and you got to take decisions as you interact with other characters. There are three different choices that you can select, along with a standard “…” answer. You only have few seconds to decide on what to select. Your choices affect the outcome of the story. So choose wisely. The combat is fun and tests your reflexes. It is not a free roaming combat though. You’ll see prompts on screen directing what to do. Other times, you’ll see circles wherein you got to tap on them to initiate action. This can happen during combats or on other important parts of the game.


Batman – The Telltale Series for iPhone is enjoyable and fun. The controls are simple enough to grasp. The story is gripping and voice acting is impressive. Since your decisions affect the outcome, the game got great replay value, one reason you should not mind its price tag. Graphics need some improvement. Overall, an interactive episodic Batman series for Batman fans in general. Check it out if you’re one.

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Category: Games, iPhone Apps

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