Jott for BlackBerry

| June 20, 2009 | 0 Comments

Name: Jott for BlackBerry


Jott for BlackBerry app is as powerful addition for your BlackBerry smart phone. It allows you to reply to emails using your voice without the tiring typing of words with your thumbs and consuming time. The application is flawlessly integrated with the email application you are currently using with your smart phone. It is a great advancement for those BlackBerry users who are always on the go, in car, or in situations where hands-free method is required in replying to emails.

User Interaction:

Before this Jott for BlackBerry app can be use, you need to register an account for Jott for Salesforce, Jott Assistant Pro, or Jott Assistant PayGo.

The voice technology sending messages in Jott for BlackBerry application is 3-5 times faster than typing the message. In this way, you can be able to send more and more voice replies if necessary. You can also use Bluetooth headsets with this application, which can be very convenient.

The built-in tools and links of Jott for BlackBerry application on its advanced email-sending abilities provide you with a personal organization system that is available wherever you are. This organization system is convenient place for you where you can drop all your thoughts, events, and to-dos for the day.

User Interface:

As you start using the Jott for BlackBerry application, you will receive a welcoming message via email. To get accustomed with the application’s interface, accuracy, and latency on the email responses, you need to frequently use the application. Eventually, you will no longer reply with your thumb on your messages. Apparently, you need to speak clearly in able for the voice technology to transcript the data clearly as well.

Jott for BlackBerry application allows you to reply to more than just one person. You just have to edit the settings in the email menu in terms of who will be receiving your reply messages.


Utility and Productivity:

The Jott for BlackBerry application is considered as an extended service in BlackBerry smart phones. The verbal messages in this application are transcribed to text prior sending to the recipient. It may include a link in the email for the recipient to hear the voice message or recording in case of any errors on the transcriptions. The voice recognition engine of the application is truly amazing. It can even recognize an Aussie accent, which can be very challenging to understand for anyone of different language. The engine itself can even transcript voice messages with 100% accuracy.

Jott for BlackBerry application currently works on BlackBerry smart phone series of 8100 (Bold), 9000 (Bold), 8300 (Curve), and 8800 (Curve).

Jott for BlackBerry application is not only an application in replying for voice messages. It has many functions or uses as well that includes remotely controlling your computer, sending snail mail from anywhere, perform updates on your Twitter feeds, and recording short messages for playback anytime and anywhere.

With Jott for BlackBerry application, you can easily create helpful RSS feed for your memos through using direct Twitter link.


(8.0 out of 10) Jott for BlackBerry application claims that their method is indeed safe on the road. However, it is still recommended to get a safe stop before responding in any of the emails or messages you are receiving. Nevertheless, the application is indeed useful in any event that the response or reply is really urgent.

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