My Takeout Menus App for iPhone Review

| May 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

My Takeout Menus app for iPhone is an application tailor made for gourmets among iOS users. It lets you keep track of all your to go menus from one place. My Takeout Menus iPhone app can be downloaded for $1.99 from iTunes.

How My Takeout Menus App works?

My Takeout Menus app for iPhone is designed to help you get rid of that unorganized drawer full with takeout and delivery menus. The app lets you create a digitalized database of takeout menus, ready to be accessed any time in your iPhone. You can have the menus from the web, or take the pictures of the menus using your iPhone’s camera. In order to find a restaurant online, simply search for the restaurant and the city/town in which it is located, or enter the company’s phone number. If you happen to find any menu online you like, you can download it through the application. But not all restaurants might have a menu online. In that case, you can take a photo of the menu and save it in the application.

My Takeout Menus App for iPhone

Over time, iPhone My Takeout Menus app will act as your digital menu drawer that’ll be with you wherever you go. So when you are on the move, and you want to order some take out on the way, you can simply flip open the menu of your favorite store from My Takeout Menus and find the dish and its price in no time. In My Takeout Menus Lifestyle app, you can organize the menus based on its name or cuisine for easy access. Also, you can spin the ‘Wheel of Menus’ to find your favorite menus. The graphics part is good, so is the overall theme. My Takeout Menus works with iOS versions 4.0 and upwards.

Final Thoughts

My Takeout Menus app for iPhone let you have your favorite menus at your fingertips all the time. The option to categorize menus based on names and cuisine makes the job easier for the user. However, at the moment, not all stores have their menus available online unfortunately. To an extent, you can compensate for that by adding photos of your favorite menus. Overall, you’ll start enjoying the real power of My Takeout Menus when you have saved most of your favorite takeout menus in the app’s database.

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Category: iPhone Apps, Lifestyle

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